Source: hooks.jsdoc

 * @namespace   Hooks
 * @description Callback functions for the ModPE API. These functions are used to
 *              execute other code when certain game events occur.

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    attackHook
 * @description Callback function that is called when an entity is attacked.
 * @param {long} attacker - the attacker's native entity ID
 * @param {long} victim   - the victim's native entity ID
 * @example
 * <caption>Credit: {@link|Connor4898}</caption>
 * // who is attacking who?
 * function attackHook(attacker, victim) {
 *   if (attacker == Player.getEntity()) {
 *     clientMessage("Sir, you shouldn't attack others.");
 *   } else {
 *     clientMessage("Sir, you are under attack!");
 *   }
 * }

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    blockEventHook
 * @description Callback function that is called when a chest is opened or closed.
 * @param {int} x    - the chest's x coordiante
 * @param {int} y    - the chest's y coordiante
 * @param {int} z    - the chest's z coordiante
 * @param {int} type - the event type (seems to always be 1)
 * @param {int} data - the open/close data (0 = closing, 1 = open)
 * @example
 * // Announce the opening of a chest
 * function blockEventHook(x, y, z, eventType, data) {
 *   if (data === 1) {
 *     clientMessage("A chest was opened at location " + x + " : " + y + " : " + z);
 *   } else if (data === 0) {
 *     clientMessage("The chest has been closed");
 *   }
 * }

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    chatHook
 * @description Callback function that is called when a chat message is sent.
 * @param {string} str - the message text
 * @example
 * // repeat after me
 * function chatHook(str) {
 *   clientMessage(ChatColor.RED + str);
 * }

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    chatReceiveHook
 * @description Callback function that is called when a chat message is received.
 * @param {string} str    - the message text
 * @param {string} sender - the sender of the message
 * @example
 * // who said that?
 * function chatReceiveHook(str, sender) {
 *   clientMessage(ChatColor.RED + sender + " says: " + str);
 * }

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    deathHook
 * @description Callback function that is called when an entity dies.
 * @param {int} attacker - the attacker's native entity ID
 * @param {int} victim   - the victim's native entity ID
 * @example
 * <caption>Credit: {@link|Connor4898}</caption>
 * // shame on you!
 * function deathHook(attacker, victim) {
 *   if (Player.getEntity() == attacker) {
 *     clientMessage("How could you?!");
 *   }
 * }

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    destroyBlock
 * @description Callback function that is called when a block is destroyed.
 * @param {int} x    - the x coordinate of the block
 * @param {int} y    - the y coordinate of the block
 * @param {int} z    - the z coordinate of the block
 * @param {int} side - the side of the block that was targeted
 * @example
 * // let the world know a block was destroyed
 * function destroyBlock(x, y, z, side) {
 *   clientMessage("A block was destroyed at: " + x + ":" + y + ":" + z);
 * }

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    eatHook
 * @description Callback function that is called when the player eats.
 * @param {int}   foodPoints      - the number of half-drumsticks restored by the food item
 * @param {float} saturationRatio - the level of saturation provided per food point
 * @example
 * // yummy food is yummy
 * function eatHook(foodPoints, saturationRatio) {
 *   clientMessage(
 *     ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE +
 *     "That yummy snack replenished " + foodPoints +
 *     " half-drumsticks\nwith a saturation ratio of: " +
 *     saturationRatio
 *   );
 * }

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    entityAddedHook
 * @description Callback function that is called when an entity is added to the world.
 *              This includes arrows and falling blocks.
 * @param {long} entity - the native entity id
 * @example
 * // enderman warning
 * function entityAddedHook(entity) {
 *   var entityType = Entity.getEntityTypeId(entity);
 *   if (entityType === 38) {
 *     clientMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Enderman in da house!");
 *   }
 * }

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    entityRemovedHook
 * @description Callback function that is called when an entity is despawns or dies.
 * @param {long} entity - the native entity id
 * @example
 * // what a tragedy!
 * function entityRemovedHook(entity) {
 *   if (Entity.getEntityTypeId(entity) === 10) {
 *     clientMessage("Another brave chicken has passed from this world.");
 *   }
 * }

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    explodeHook
 * @description Callback function that is called when an explosion occurs.
 * @param {long}    entity - the native entity id of the entity that exploded
 * @param {float}   x      - the x coordinate of the explosion
 * @param {float}   y      - the y coordinate of the explosion
 * @param {float}   z      - the z coordinate of the explosion
 * @param {float}   radius - the radius of the explosion
 * @param {boolean} onFire - whether or not the explosion caused a fire
 * @example
 * // explosion notification
 * function explodeHook(entity, x, y, z, power, onFire) {
 *   clientMessage(ChatColor.RED + "An explosion occured at " + x + " : " + y + " : " + z);
 * }

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    leaveGame
 * @description Callback function that is called when the player exits a world (i.e., Quit to Title).
 * @example
 * // say goodbye on exit
 * function leaveGame() {
 *   print("Goodbye");
 * }

 * @todo better example once this is working; broken in BL 1.11??
 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    levelEventHook
 * @description Callback function that is called when a door is opened or closed.
 * @param {int} player    - the player entity that activated the door
 * @param {int} eventType - the event type (seems to always be 1)
 * @param {int} x         - the door's x coordiante
 * @param {int} y         - the door's y coordiante
 * @param {int} z         - the door's z coordiante
 * @param {int} data      - the open/close data (0 = closing, 1 = opening, 2 = open)
 * @example
 * // Announce the opening of a door
 * function levelEventHook(player, eventType, x, y, z, data) {
 *   if (data === 1) {
 *     clientMessage("A door was opened at location " + x + " : " + y + " : " + z);
 *   } else if (data === 0) {
 *     clientMessage("The door has been closed");
 *   }
 * }

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    modTick
 * @description Callback function that is called every game tick. A game tick
 *              is 1/20 of a second, therefore there are 20 ticks in a second.
 * @example
 * // keep an eye on hunger level
 * function modTick() {
 *   if (Player.getHunger() < 5) {
 *     clientMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Warning! You are getting very hungry!");
 *   }
 * }

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    newLevel
 * @description Callback function that is called when a game level is loaded
 * @example
 * // friendly welcome message
 * function newLevel() {
 *   clientMessage("Welcome to  Minecraft PE!!");
 * }

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    procCmd
 * @description Callback function that is called when a chat command is issued.
 * @param {string} cmd - the command without the leading slash (/)
 * @example
 * // quick heal
 * function procCmd(cmd) {
 *   if (cmd === "heal") {
 *     Entity.setHealth(Player.getEntity(), 20);
 *   }
 * }

 * @todo  test this and try to figure it out
 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    redstoneUpdateHook
 * @description Callback function that is called when ???
 * @param {int} x                        - the x coordinate of the block
 * @param {int} y                        - the y coordinate of the block
 * @param {int} z                        - the z coordinate of the block
 * @param {int} newCurrent               - ???
 * @param {boolean} someBooleanIDontKnow - ???
 * @param {int} blockId                  - the ID of the block
 * @param {int} blockData                - the damage/data for the block
 * @example
 * // code here
function redstoneUpdateHook(x, y, z, newCurrent, someBooleanIDontKnow, blockId, blockData) {}

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    selectLevelHook
 * @description Callback function that is called when a game world is selected.
 *              This allows you to run initialization code before the selected
 *              world is fully loaded.
 * @see See the example at {@link Block.defineBlock}

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    serverMessageReceiveHook
 * @description Callback function that is called when the server sends a chat message.
 * @param {string} message - the message
 * @example
 * // announce a server message
 * function serverMessageReceiveHook(message) {
 *   clientMessage("Message from server: " + message);
 * }

 * @todo confirm this - it doesn't seem to work in BL 1.11
 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    startDestroyBlock
 * @description Callback function function that is called when a block
 *              starts being destroyed.
 * @param {int} x    - the x coordinate of the block
 * @param {int} y    - the y coordinate of the block
 * @param {int} z    - the z coordinate of the block
 * @param {int} side - the side of the block that was targeted
 * @example
 * // let the world know a block is being destroyed
 * function startDestroyBlock(x, y, z, side) {
 *   clientMessage("A block is being destroyed at: " + x + ":" + y + ":" + z);
 * }

 * @instance
 * @memberof    Hooks
 * @function    useItem
 * @description Callback function function that is called when an item is used
 *              on a block.
 * @param {int} x         - the x coordinate of the block
 * @param {int} y         - the y coordinate of the block
 * @param {int} z         - the z coordinate of the block
 * @param {int} itemid    - the ID of the item used
 * @param {int} blockid   - the ID of the block
 * @param {int} blockSide - the side of the block that was tapped
 * @param {int} itemData  - the damage/data for the item used
 * @param {int} blockData - the damage/data for the block
 * @example
 * <caption>credit: {@link|Zhuowei Zhang}</caption>
 * // Super pickaxe: tap on a block with a diamond pickaxe to mine
 * // a 11x11x11 square around/above it
 * function useItem(x, y, z, itemId, blockId) {
 *   if (itemId != 278) return; // if not diamond pickaxe exit the method
 *   for (var xx = x - 5; xx <= x + 5; xx++) {
 *     for (var zz = z - 5; zz <= z + 5; zz++) {
 *       for (var yy = y; yy < y + 11; yy++) {
 *         var tile = getTile(xx, yy, zz);
 *         if (tile != 0) {
 *           setTile(xx, yy, zz, 0);
 *           if (tile != 1 && tile != 2 && tile != 3) { // not stone, grass, dirt
 *             addItemInventory(tile, 1);
 *           }
 *         }
 *       }
 *     }
 *   }
 *   preventDefault();
 * }